Texas Gateway Temporarily Under Maintenance (https://www.txcte.org/news/texas-gateway-temporarily-under-maintenance)
The Texas Gateway site will be temporarily closed for maintenance at midnight on February 17, 2020 and is expected to reopen by early March 2020. We wanted to inform you of the impacts to CTE courses and resources. We apologize for the inconvenience during the transition process, and TEA will actively provide updates as new information is available.
CTE Course Implications:
The online professional development courses (https://www.texascourses.org/ (https://www.texascourses.org/)) that are part of the Texas Gateway will be shutting down at midnight on February 17, 2020 so the courses can be transitioned to a new learning management platform. The full transition will not be complete until summer of 2020 however TEA will release additional information in the coming weeks to provide directions for how educators can access courses in a temporary environment. This includes the online component for the following CTE courses:
- Introduction to Integrating Math into CTE Classrooms, Parts 1 & 2
- Introduction to Integrating Science into CTE Classrooms, Parts 1 & 2
- CTE 101: Career and Technical Education in Texas
- CTE Work-Based Learning
- Introduction to Accommodations and Modifications in CTE Classrooms
- The Revised CTE TEKS (all career clusters and other CTE TEKS courses)
Please note:
- If you are NOT currently enrolled in a course, you will not be able to enroll or access course material until the temporary environment is set up.
- TEA required training for educators teaching CTE courses meeting math or science high school graduation requirements will be made available by April. TEA will provide specific guidance on how CTE teachers will meet the statutory requirement in the new environment.
Action Items for Currently Enrolled Course Participants:
- Complete Current Courses - Complete the course and download your completion certificate by the close-of-business February 17, 2020 (https://www.texascourses.org/ (https://www.texascourses.org/)).
- Obtain Course Completion Certificate – If you have already completed a CTE course on the Gateway site and want a copy of your completion certificate (https://www.texascourses.org/ (https://www.texascourses.org/)), download your completion certificate by the close-of-business February 17, 2020 to ensure you have evidence of completing the course.
- Note: Participants who do not complete courses and obtain certificates by February 17, 2020 may have to start a course over in the new learning management platform
Once the revised courses are available on a temporary platform we will notify you via a listserv message. If you have not done so already, join the CTE mailing list (https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/TXTEA/subscriber/new) to receive updates.
All other CTE resources accessed on the Texas CTE Resource Center (https://www.txcte.org/ (https://www.txcte.org/)) will only be shut down temporarily during the transition process and are expected to be available sometime in March 2020.
We apologize for the inconvenience during the transition process, and we will do our best to provide updates as new information is available.
Ryan Merritt, Director, Career & Technical Education
Division of College, Career, & Military Preparation
Texas Education Agency