Robotics I (


Robotics I

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Science & Mathematics
Robotics I
Grade Range
Release Date
Program Loops
Robot Arm
Mounting Parts
Time Management
DC Motor
Software Applications
Media Technologies
Vertical Column
Robotic Careers
Robotics I
Robotics Language
Software Development

In Robotics I, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment through implementation of the design process. Students will build prototypes or use simulation software to test their designs. Additionally, students will explore career opportunities, employer expectations, and educational needs in the robotic and automation industry.

This binder does not contain all lesson plans for this course. This content can be used with any textbook or instructional materials. If locally adapted, make sure all TEKS are covered.


Scope and Sequence

Resource ID: 19502
Grade Range: 9, 10

CTE TEKS - Implemented 2017-2018, adopted in 2015

Robotics I course scope and sequence within the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Career Cluster® summarizes the content to be taught, and one possible order for teaching the units of instruction. A brief description of each unit and the corresponding TEKS are included. This scope and sequence may be adapted or adopted by the local education agency.

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Program of Study

Resource ID: 19611
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Engineering program of study within the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Unit 1: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Robotics Overview

Resource ID: CSLP02

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 2: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Robotics Exploration

Resource ID: CSLP02

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 3: Safety Precautions

Resource ID: CSLP02

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 4: Teamwork in STEM

Resource ID: 14912
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will define and describe robot applications, learn to build a robot, and explore careers in the field of robotics.

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Unit 4: Teamwork in STEM

Resource ID: 14924
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct various robot grippers. Upon completion of building the grippers, students will evaluate their functionality and effectiveness at conducting certain tasks. 

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Unit 4: Teamwork in STEM

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 5: Project Management

Resource ID: 14912
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will define and describe robot applications, learn to build a robot, and explore careers in the field of robotics.

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Unit 5: Project Management

Resource ID: 14914
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will create a robotics project, develop a weekly schedule for the implementation of the project, and apply time-management skills to complete the task efficiently.

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Unit 5: Project Management

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 6: Employability Skills

Resource ID: 14912
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will define and describe robot applications, learn to build a robot, and explore careers in the field of robotics.

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Unit 6: Employability Skills

Resource ID: 14914
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will create a robotics project, develop a weekly schedule for the implementation of the project, and apply time-management skills to complete the task efficiently.

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Unit 6: Employability Skills

Resource ID: 14944
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will demonstrate how to use various software applications and media technologies for robotics presentations.

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Unit 6: Employability Skills

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 7: Time for Project Based Learning

Resource ID: 14940
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will describe a communication port, identify the parts of a computer program, define and use variables in a computer program, create and use program loops, differentiate types of program loops, and compile and download a computer program.

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Unit 7: Time for Project Based Learning

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 8: Engineering Principles and Fundamental Physics

Resource ID: 14928
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct and test various robots, and evaluate them for functionality and effectiveness at performing specified tasks.

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Unit 8: Engineering Principles and Fundamental Physics

Resource ID: 14930
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct a basic part of a vertical column and the mounting parts that anchor into the body. Students will explain how to make the parts by identifying the materials, machines and tools used to construct the column.

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Unit 8: Engineering Principles and Fundamental Physics

Resource ID: 14932
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct a basic robotic arm and all of the mounting parts, and explain how they made the parts by identifying the materials, machines and tools used to create the arm.

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Unit 8: Engineering Principles and Fundamental Physics

Resource ID: 14934
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will understand the robotic propulsion systems. Students will be expected to describe the purpose and use of gears in a robotic application.

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Unit 8: Engineering Principles and Fundamental Physics

Resource ID: 14940
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will describe a communication port, identify the parts of a computer program, define and use variables in a computer program, create and use program loops, differentiate types of program loops, and compile and download a computer program.

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Unit 8: Engineering Principles and Fundamental Physics

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 9: Components Required for Robotic Functions

Resource ID: 14930
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct a basic part of a vertical column and the mounting parts that anchor into the body. Students will explain how to make the parts by identifying the materials, machines and tools used to construct the column.

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Unit 9: Components Required for Robotic Functions

Resource ID: 14932
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct a basic robotic arm and all of the mounting parts, and explain how they made the parts by identifying the materials, machines and tools used to create the arm.

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Unit 9: Components Required for Robotic Functions

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 10: Maintain Technological Products, Processes, and Systems

Resource ID: 14934
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will understand the robotic propulsion systems. Students will be expected to describe the purpose and use of gears in a robotic application.

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Unit 10: Maintain Technological Products, Processes, and Systems

Resource ID: 14938
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will be expected to use and maintain technological products, processes, and systems, and demonstrate the use of computers to manipulate a robot or automated system and associated subsystems. 

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Unit 10: Maintain Technological Products, Processes, and Systems

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 11: Design Methodologies

Resource ID: 14910
Grade Range: 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will discuss the design and patent processes, and design and build a robot.

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Unit 11: Design Methodologies

Resource ID: 14916
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

Students will refine the design of a robotic or automated system to ensure quality, efficiency, and manufacturability of the final product.

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Unit 11: Design Methodologies

Resource ID: 14924
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct various robot grippers. Upon completion of building the grippers, students will evaluate their functionality and effectiveness at conducting certain tasks. 

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Unit 11: Design Methodologies

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 12: Extended Learning Experience

Resource ID: 14928
Grade Range: 9, 10
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will construct and test various robots, and evaluate them for functionality and effectiveness at performing specified tasks.

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Unit 12: Extended Learning Experience

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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