Industry-Based Certifications (
Industry-Based Certifications
House Bill 22, 85th Texas Legislature, 2017
House Bill 22 (85th Texas Legislature, 2017) requires the Texas Education Agency to account for high school students who earn an industry-based certification (IBC) as one indicator within the Student Achievement domain of the state’s public school accountability system. While hundreds of unique certifications may be earned by students, the A-F Accountability System measures success in preparing students for in-demand careers, whether students enter the workforce directly or enroll in postsecondary education. IBCs represent industry valued skills that lead to employment and act as a springboard for higher levels of achievement to ensure students’ independence and success in life beyond high school; hence, IBCs are one of the measures to demonstrate college and career readiness.
2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022 Approved Industry-Based Certifications for Public School Accountability
The current list of Approved Industry-Based Certifications for Public School Accountability will remain in effect for the 2021-2022 school year. The TEA recognizes new developments in industry occur regularly and will engage in a bi-annual review of the list of certifications. The updated list of IBCs for Public School Accountability will be posted to the TEA’s CTE website in the early spring of 2022 for implementation in the 2022-2023 school year.
- Current list of approved Industry-Based Certifications for Public School Accountability ( (PDF)
- Industry-Based Certification 1 page resources (,_Career,_and_Military_Prep/Career_and_Technical_Education/Industry-Based_Certification_Resources)
- TEA Career and Technical Education Contact Information (
Contact Information
Career and Technical Education
College, Career, and Military Preparation Division
1701 North Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701-1401
(512) 936-6060 (
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