Practicum in Marketing
Practicum in Marketing is a series of dynamic activities that focus on the customer to generate a profitable exchange. Students will gain knowledge and skills that help them to be proficient in one or more of the marketing functional areas associated with distribution, financing, marketing information management, pricing, product planning, promotion, purchasing, risk management, and selling skills. Students will integrate skills from academic subjects, information technology, interpersonal communication, and management training to make responsible decisions. The practicum course is a paid or unpaid experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of career and technical courses in marketing.
This binder does not contain all lesson plans for this course. This content can be used with any textbook or instructional materials. If locally adapted, make sure all TEKS are covered.
Scope and Sequence

CTE TEKS - Implemented 2017-2018, adopted in 2015
Practicum in Marketing course scope and sequence within the Marketing Career Cluster® summarizes the content to be taught, and one possible order for teaching the units of instruction. A brief description of each unit and the corresponding TEKS are included. This scope and sequence may be adapted or adopted by the local education agency.
View ResourceProgram of Study

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Program of Studies within the Marketing Career Cluster provide helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. These documents are designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.
Section 1: Pre-Practicum

This lesson provides the students opportunities to explore why businesses need marketing.
View ResourceSection 1: Pre-Practicum

In this lesson, students will explore opportunities and methods to enhance their job search in the marketing industry.
View ResourceSection 1: Pre-Practicum

In this lesson, students will explore the need for marketing information and how that relates to consumer differences in a global marketplace.
View ResourceSection 1: Pre-Practicum
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 2: Functions and Foundations of Marketing: Practicum Check-In 1

In this lesson, students will learn to explain strategies to compete for different market segments.
View ResourceSection 2: Functions and Foundations of Marketing: Practicum Check-In 1

During this lesson, students will explore how markets can be segmented in a variety of ways and how this leads to product usages and marketing benefits.
View ResourceSection 2: Functions and Foundations of Marketing: Practicum Check-In 1
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 3: Math in Marketing
Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 4: Economics In Marketing

This lesson provides the students opportunities to explore why businesses need marketing.
View ResourceSection 4: Economics In Marketing

In this lesson, students will explore the need for marketing information and how that relates to consumer differences in a global marketplace.
View ResourceSection 4: Economics In Marketing

Through this lesson, students will get a deeper understanding of marketing and begin to have an understanding of economic concepts like economic resources, wants and needs, and implications of economic decisions.
View ResourceSection 4: Economics In Marketing

In this lesson, students will explore the meaning of the gross domestic product, standard of living, unemployment and other economic factors in regards to how business can meet their sales goals.
View ResourceSection 4: Economics In Marketing
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 5: Promotion and Advertising in Marketing

In this lesson, students will explore the need for marketing information and how that relates to consumer differences in a global marketplace.
View ResourceSection 5: Promotion and Advertising in Marketing
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 6: Information Technology in Marketing: Practicum Check-in 2
Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 7: Finance and Pricing

The concept of pricing and strategies used to determine and adjust prices will be explored in this two-day lesson.
View ResourceSection 7: Finance and Pricing
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 8: Business Risks and Workplace Protection

In this lesson, students will explore legal issues, trade regulations, and ethical behaviors related to business.
View ResourceSection 8: Business Risks and Workplace Protection

In this lesson, students will explore a variety of workplace situations and apply their knowledge of ethical decision making.
View ResourceSection 8: Business Risks and Workplace Protection
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 9: Customer Relations and Purchasing

In this lesson, students will explore a variety of workplace situations and apply their knowledge of ethical decision making.
View ResourceSection 9: Customer Relations and Purchasing

In this lesson, students will learn and explore different ways to create a positive relationship with customers for marketing.
View ResourceSection 9: Customer Relations and Purchasing
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
View ResourceSection 10: Careers in Marketing

In this lesson, students will write a business plan, utilizing their marketing and financial planning instructional background knowledge, and then create a digital presentation that is a high-level summarization of the plan. Students will present to the class.
Section 10: Careers in Marketing

In this lesson, students will research marketing careers and develop important job searching components such as a resume, interview skills, and a career planning portfolio.
View ResourceSection 10: Careers in Marketing
One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.
You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.
If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.
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