Administrator Foundational Learning Sessions (
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Administrator Foundational Learning Sessions
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Administrator Foundational Learning Sessions are a set of videos designed to share best practices and research about the importance and benefits of career and technical education (CTE) with administrators. Sessions are designed to give administrators practical information to support their efforts to build a strong CTE program in their schools and districts. Administrator Foundational Learning Sessions are part of the Texas Education Agency's CTE New Teacher Mentor Program. Administrator Foundational Learning Session topics include:
- Why Do We Need to Support Beginning Teachers?
- The Benefits of a Supportive CTE Environment
- Building Business & Community Relationships

The CTE Foundational Learning Sessions are a set of videos designed to educate administrators on the importance and benefits of Career and Technical Education. The first foundational learning session video discusses the importance of supporting beginning CTE teachers.
Career and Technical Education is on the rise, both in Texas and the United States as a whole. CTE student enrollment is increasingly rapidly and teacher growth is not matching pace.
To make matters worse, there is a higher-than-average rate of teacher turnover in Career and Technical Education, a phenomenon that adversely affects teachers, student achievement, stabilization of learning communities, and organizational costs.
Supporting and mentoring new CTE teachers is a critical step in cultivating a successful educator. This video sets the foundation for building a strong CTE career.
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The second administrator foundational learning session details the myriad benefits that that a supportive CTE environment will produce.
By supporting new teachers administrators are cultivating a sense of self-efficacy within them. These strong mentor/new teacher relationships will help improve teacher retention rates and bring about more confident and capable educators. This solid foundation for a CTE program directly benefits the student by making their coursework more interactive, relevant, and engaging. As a result, CTE students are more likely to graduate from high school, pursue post-secondary education, be employed, and earn higher wages.
The CTE wave of influence continues outward, helping schools, communities, businesses, and the economy.
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One way to bolster CTE programs in schools is to build relationships and partnerships with local businesses and the community as a whole. By expanding the CTE vision outwards into the surrounding community you are tapping into a vast pool of resources. Business and community partnerships have the potential to be a truly collaborative experience and benefit all parties involved.
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