College For All Texans
Get All The Facts
Okay, here’s step one: The most important thing to remember about preparing for college is to start as soon as possible. It’s never too early to begin gathering information and to create a step-by-step plan. The following pages will help you get going, with info about choosing a college, the tests you need, the costs you can expect and more. By learning about the process now, you'll be less likely to have surprises pop up later.
- Find The Right College
- College Costs
- Paying for College
- Automatic Admissions
- The Tests You'll Need
- Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA)
- Transferring Colleges
- Need More Help?
Make a Plan
Getting ready for college can seem like a journey. But if you break it down into steps, the process is much simpler. Here you'll find helpful hints for creating your own plan including saving for college, preparing for college courses, and more. So let's get started.
- In Middle School
- In High School
- For Parents
- Saving for College
- Credit Counseling
- Degree Programs
- Student Checklist
- Which College is Right for You?
Financial Aid
Applying for financial aid requires a little work on your part. But the fact is, you won't receive assistance unless you ask for it. And asking for it means completing a few forms.
There are three very important things to remember about applying for aid:
- You only have to complete one financial aid application (either the FAFSA or the TASFA) to start the process.
- The financial aid office at the college you plan to attend will be in charge of awarding you financial aid.
- Deadlines matter! The earlier you submit your forms, the more likely you are to get a good financial aid package.
Types of Financial Aid
You and your family can choose from many different types of financial aid. Some are based on financial need, and some on academic performance. Others are tied to a student's or family's ability to borrow. Not all colleges and universities participate in all programs, but the more you know about financial aid, the better prepared you’ll be. Here you’ll find links to the many kinds of financial aid available to students attending Texas colleges and universities. You can also search for a particular program using the search box above.
- Exemptions
- State and Federal Grants and Scholarships
- Institutional Grants and Scholarships
- Loans
- Loan Forgiveness Programs
- Loan Repayment Programs
- Tax Credits and Other Programs
- Waiver Programs
- Work Study Programs
- $1000 Tuition Rebate Program
Selective Service
Federal student loans make the dream of a college education come true for many people each year. These students are investing in a degree that can lead to a steady job and a successful life. For men, there is one action that can make this all possible. But, if they miss the message, it could just as easily be impossible to achieve any of these goals. Registering with the Selective Service System is a quick and easy way to make sure that men can get many of the jobs they seek, and keeps them eligible for the federal student loans and job training programs that make those jobs a possibility.
In order to qualify for federal college loans and grants, all young men must register with the U.S. Selective Service System when they turn 18. Registering will also keep men eligible for important opportunities like jobs and job training programs. The easiest way to register is to check 'yes, register me' when filling out the FAFSA, or register online at There's no late penalty for registration, but once a man turns 26 he can no longer register, and becomes permanently barred from all opportunities associated with registration, including college loans and grants. Visit to learn more.
Additional information and resources for counselors and college advisors are available at
Stay Connected by liking the Selective Service Facebook page at or following them on Twitter at @sss_gov.
Need more information? Still have questions? We're here to help guide you through the financial aid process. Give us a call at 1-888-311-8881.
Apply for College and Financial Aid
So by now you’ve probably clicked through this site, gathered some important information and put together a plan for college. If you’re ready to take that next step and apply to a Texas college, or for the tests you’ll need, or for financial aid, this is the place to get started.
Here you’ll find everything you need to start the application process. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you’re making great progress.
Helpful Info
Here you'll find the applications, forms, and other information resources that future college students and their parents look for most often. From important financial aid forms to a handy student loan comparison chart, there are many great tools here.
So feel free to take a look around.
- The license plate that pays for college
- Texas Institutions of Higher Education
- Credit Counseling
- Financial Aid Hotline
- Find Money for College
- Find the Right College
- Get Help Planning
- Get Inspired
- Materials for Counselors
- Take Action
- The Tests You'll Need
- Residency Information