Factors Influencing Teaching Choice Survey

The Factors Influencing Teaching (FIT) Choice Survey is designed for all individuals in Texas currently in or interested in the teaching profession, especially students enrolled in Education and Training courses at the high school level and/or students interested in pursuing teaching as a career. The survey asks respondents to share their motivations for choosing teaching and their beliefs about teaching. Responses are voluntary and confidential. Individuals are highly encouraged to respond as early in the survey window as possible and to respond each time it opens in the fall and spring, as we are tracking responses over time.
Fall Survey Window: September 1–October 1, 2021
Spring Survey Window: May 2—June 3, 2022
Fall Anonymous Survey Link: TBD as of 8/20/21
Who should respond to this survey?
- Current teachers
- Middle school and high school students interested in pursuing a teaching career
- Students enrolled in high school Education and Training courses
- Individuals enrolled in educator preparation programs
Why is the TEA conducting this survey?
The purpose of the survey is to gather feedback about interest in the teaching profession. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete; respondents will not be able to save responses and return to the survey at a later time. The survey must be completed in a single session and can be embedded into instructional activities for students to complete during class time.
Why Participate?
Survey feedback will add to a growing body of cutting-edge research and better inform how the Texas Education Agency (TEA) supports Grow Your Own grant recipients and provides resources to high school Education and Training programs throughout Texas. A greater response rate will directly benefit schools, teachers, and students. All input, positive or negative, is extremely valuable, so we thank you in advance for taking time to contribute to this important work.
Who can I contact for more information?
This survey was developed by TEA. For technical questions, issues, or any survey-related questions, please contact GYOgrant@tea.texas.gov.
Are My Responses Confidential?
Yes. All information shared is completely confidential, to the extent permitted by law. No individuals will be identified by name in the reporting, and results will be aggregated in all reports. However, anonymous responses to the survey may be subject to public information requests in accordance with the Public Information Act. Texas Government Code, Chapter 552.
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