Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster

Programs of Study
Statewide Programs of Study
- Automotive
- Aviation Maintenance
- Diesel and Heavy Equipment
- Distribution and Logistics
Regional Programs of Study
- Drone (Unmanned Flight)
- Aviation (Pilots)
Approved statewide CTE Programs of Study information is available on the TEA website, including “at-a-glance” spreadsheets with coherent course sequences, an overview of programs of study, and course alignment recommendations. Regional CTE Programs of Study approved region information is also available on the website.
Careers in the Military
Navigate the Careers in the Military website for related military occupations to this career cluster
Teacher Resources

Follow the links below to teaching resources related to this career cluster.
- Scope and Sequence
- Lesson Plans
- Programs of Study
- Course Pages
- Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory
- Aircraft Airframe Technology
- Aircraft Powerplant Technology
- Automotive Basics
- Automotive Technology I: Maintenance and Light Repair
- Automotive Technology II: Automotive Service
- Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing
- Collision Repair
- Diesel Equipment Technology I
- Diesel Equipment Technology II
- Distribution and Logistics
- Energy and Power of Transportation Systems
- Introduction to Aircraft Technology
- Introduction to Transportation Technology
- Management of Transportation Systems
- Paint and Refinishing
- Practicum in Distribution and Logistics
- Practicum in Distribution and Logistics/Extended Practicum in Distribution and Logistics
- Practicum in Transportation Systems
- Practicum in Transportation Systems/Extended Practicum in Transportation Systems
- Principles of Distribution and Logistics
- Principles of Transportation Systems
- Small Engine Technology I
- Small Engine Technology II
Professional Associations

TDL teachers should get involved in at least one career and technical education (CTE) professional association. They are excellent sources of career cluster-specific teaching tools, ideas, networking, and mentors.
The following associations are related to this career cluster:
- Association for Career and Technical Education
- Career and Technology Association of Texas (CTAT)
- ASE Education Foundation
- Texas Industrial Vocational Association (TIVA)
- Texas Automotive Instructors Association
Career Cluster News

Stay on top of current practices and news by attending relevant conferences.
Here are a few upcoming events:
2018 TIVA Summer Professional Development Conference
July 16-20, 2018
Irving, TX
TWC Resources

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) provides workforce development services and resources to Texas employers and job seekers.

Take a few moments to bookmark the following TWC resources to explore later:
Additional Resources
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